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BE Ur Own BOSS, or beuoboss (pronounced "be-you-boss") greets you welcome.

I'm just a regular guy who wants to make money online, and I'm really sick and tired of all the stuff that floats around out there, so I've decided to approach this "make-money-online-thing" a bit different.

First though, here on the left is my avatar and that's the one you will learn to recognize me from. I've chosen this as a kind of "brand" and it actually profiles me quite well. A regular guy with glasses, short hair and almost younger middle age...

Let me give you a short introduction to what you will learn and find out about me and what I do online, and hopefully I can keep you as a reader and maybe even a teammate.

I've been around the internet for many years (I guess I logged on to the web in the late 90's for the first time), and it has always been a thing to pursue for me, this with finding some way to make money online and help others to do the same. I'm a person who believes the best in others and I trust what I see, hear and read. As I went online, this turned out to be somewhat disastrous since already back then, scammers were filling up a lot of the internet marketing arena.

I fell into several of those traps and it costed me quite a substantial amount of money. However, I also found things that worked pretty well, and during a period around 2003-2006 I made really good money. Unfortunately that specific program changed its structure and later on collapsed.

I didn't give up though, but continued to pursue my dreams and found a few other business programs (Multi Level Marketing) which are still around today, but already that time it was really hard to get people into those programs, and especially hard since they required a subscription and money to be paid every month. This is something that is a huge turn-off for people, so even if those programs offer useful products and services, they are really hard to sell, and you know the reason why...?

Because everything you need to market online and produce the materials you need for that can be obtained absolutely FREE.

This is extremely important to be aware of, because this makes all the difference for the online marketer and online money maker seeker.

Why pay for products when you can get them for free?

So, as you most probably can understand, trying to sell products and services that also require a regular fee/cost is simply not the way I think we should do, at least it's not for me anymore. I've been there and done that. Mailing lists, setting up autoresponders, hosting webinars, spending countless amount of hours on people who really didn't have the motivation to actually do what had to be done.

Sure, these programs work to some degree, but the dropout rate is way too high and it eventually kills people who just want to make some money online.

What people want is to make money right away, preferably without effort. Well, the last thing is NOT going to happen. There are programs out there claiming that they can deliver on that, but without an investment and some kind of trading (which also involves a risk of loss), it's just not going to happen. If you're on the lookout for some promises of riches and that you don't have do do anything or very little on your part, then please just close this page and read no further, because this will not be for you.

However, there are great ways of making money with very little effort and by helping others to do the same, those earnings will grow very nicely and over time also to some really good money. All of it at no cost as well. Not bad, right?

That is what BEUOBOSS is doing. Finding and joining proven to work programs for free and build a team that wants to do the same. I even promote for all of you guys if you also help to promote our group. Does it sound fair?

If you're still with me and like what you just have read, then head over to my START-UP PAGE and let's get you going.


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